


Hello, students! Welcome to the Zoom-Education Exams platform. My name is Biacan, and I will be your AI IELTS examiner for the speaking section of the exam. Today, I will guide you through the three sections of the speaking exam.

In Part 1, I will ask you questions about yourself and your family. This section aims to assess your ability to provide personal information and engage in a simple conversation.

In Part 2, you will be given a topic to speak about. The topic will be introduced by the examiner on the day of your exam. You will have one minute to prepare your response and then speak for up to two minutes. This section evaluates your ability to express your thoughts, organize your ideas, and speak fluently.

In Part 3, we will have a longer discussion about the topic introduced in Part 2. This section aims to assess your ability to engage in a more in-depth conversation, express opinions, and provide justifications.

Before we start the exam, here are some general tips to help you perform your best:

Practice speaking English before your test

Be chatty: Don’t be afraid to have a conversation with me. Treat me as if I were a real person, and speak naturally.

Listen to the question and answer it directly: Make sure you understand the question before responding and address all aspects of the question.

Add more information to your answers: Provide details, examples, and descriptions to support your answers and showcase your language skills.

Don’t ever be silent: Even if you don’t know the answer, try to say something. It’s better to attempt an answer rather than staying silent.

Don’t focus only on vocabulary: While vocabulary is important, focus on expressing your ideas clearly and coherently. Grammar, fluency, and pronunciation also play a significant role in your overall score.

Now, take a deep breath, click on the “Start Exam” button, and carefully listen to or read the question provided. Once you are ready, click on the “Record” button, ensuring that your microphone is turned on. After finishing your response, download your voice recording and upload it using the button below. You can send your recording to our AI, which will provide you with customized tips and highlight areas of improvement.

you can use our model answers on the materials section , before clicking start.

Good luck with your speaking exam, and remember to stay confident and relaxed. Happy speaking!


these materials are based on our customized AI assist
it includes a voice simulation of your proposed interview exam and a written transcript of a model answers .

2- voice